The Woodward Alumni Hall of Fame Association
Caleb Fouts Class of 2016

Caleb Fouts is a 2016 Woodward graduate and Hall of Fame scholarship recipient. Upon graduation, Caleb attended Ohio University and earned a bachelor’s degree in History with a minor in Italian. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in European History at OU and on track to complete his program in Spring 2022. He intends to further his education by enrolling in a doctoral program.
Caleb works as a teaching assistant and runs discussion sections and teaches undergraduate students about primary source material. He enjoys this work, but beginning next semester he will transition to grading papers and assisting a professor with constructing a medieval film course.
Caleb credits one of his memories from Woodward for helping him to persevere and for inspiring him in his educational choices. “As a sophomore, in the fall semester, I took a class on World War II in the distance learning lab taught by Mr. Joe Boyle. That class alone inspired me to pursue history, but I recall the final project for the class which has stuck with me-- we had to compose a eulogy for a soldier from Toledo who had died during World War II. I had been assigned a man by the name of John Arthur Ankenbrandt Jr. After composing the eulogy steadily throughout the semester, we delivered the speech in front of an auditorium with our classmates and veterans. I will always remember delivering that eulogy, both the nerves and excitement I felt in doing so. At that moment, I knew
history was my passion and what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.”
The financial resource that the Hall of Fame scholarship provides has been a big part of helping Caleb to complete his educational goals. “The funds helped me remain debt free as I finished my undergraduate degree in History with honors at Ohio University. I used them during the early years of my college career and they certainly came in handy during each semester, removing a lot of financial stress and allowing me to focus more on my studies. I even used my leftover funds to help fund part of the master's degree I am currently pursuing.”