The Woodward Alumni Hall of Fame Association
Paul Nieft Inducted 2020* - Class of 1970

While at Woodward, Paul was a proud member of the WHS Marching Band under the direction of Keith Biler and enjoyed Mrs. Wisely’s art classes. To this day, he lives just a short distance from his Alma Mater in what is known as the “Polish Village”! His musical career ranges from playing percussion instruments to writing scores and recording music to authoring books to publishing numerous articles in drumming periodicals to teaching and mentoring …and the list goes on!
Paul’s best friends in high school, Conrad Pfiester, Tom Kaminski, Gary Spear, Ric White, Jeff Moyer and Melvin Balk were all in the band together.
According to Paul, he was not a “model” student while at WHS, but the Marching Band and art classes were very important to him. Paul took great satisfaction in turning in a good half-time performance. He felt the half-time marching show was the “main event” surrounded by a football game!
Keith Biler and Dorothy Wisely both had a great influence on Paul. Mr. Biler instilled in him a greater appreciation for music, including the role and function of the various instruments that comprise either a marching or concert band. Mr. Biler was not always easy on the band members, but he knew they could perform better and pushed them to finer musicianship. Mrs. Wisely was not as fiery as Mr. Biler, but in her gentle way she drew the best out of many of her students, including Paul.
Paul has conducted classes reflecting various drumming styles and has developed some teaching products for percussion using a variety of drums. In addition to creating his own music publishing company, Paul has played in multiple recordings for major broadcasting systems and companies.
While music is his passion, he is a voracious reader, as well as two degrees in psychology. Paul is dad to two grown sons, a pharmacist and an attorney, and is “Opa” to his grandson.
*Induction Ceremony postponed until October 2021 due to the pandemic