The Woodward Alumni Hall of Fame Association
William Rosenberg Inducted 1989 - Class of 1933

William Rosenberg, Class of 1933, got his first taste of newspaper work in Marie Doering Ersig's journalism class at Woodward. He parlayed it into a 45-year career, most of it as the key man in the day-today publication of the TOLEDO BLADE. He continues to prize his association with Mrs. Ersig to this day.
As he remembers Woodward, Bill also thinks of Homer Hanham, a teacher with whom he maintained a valued friendship until Mr. Hanham's death. He remembers other teachers: Adrienne Curtis, French; Mary Ward, Algebra; Betty Nelson, English; Ray Sheline, physics; and Steve Materni, biology. He considers them among his favorites, and after 56 years, still recall their classes with pleasure.
Upon graduation from Woodward in 1933 (Bill was editor of the TATTLER that year) he went on to the University of Toledo where he became editor of the COLLEGIAN, the student newspaper. He
received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1937. While at the university, he was a member of Arx, a men's honorary society, and was president of Alphi Phi Gamma journalism fraternity.
Even before he completed his senior year in college, Bill was hired by the TOLEDO TIMES as a general assignment reporter. In a very short time, his value as a deskman was recognized, and he was named night city editor, a position he held until World War II interrupted his career.
He entered the service in January, 1941, served with the 148th regiment, 37th Infantry Division, in the campaigns on Guadalcanal, New Georgia, Bougainville, and in the Philippines, and was discharged in May of 1945 with sergeant stripes and a Bronze Star. He returned to Toledo and joined the news staff of the BLADE. There he served as rewrite man, chief of the copy desk, city editor, Sunday editor, and assistant managing editor before being named managing editor in 1971 .
The appearance of the BLADE day after day, despite foul-ups and uncertainties, is referred to as "the Daily Miracle." For years, it was Bill who made this miracle happen. His role here had little to do with authority. It was based on his ability to get others to work together with him because of respect for his judgment and ability, and his own deep understanding of the process of producing a daily newspaper.
Another secret of Bill's success was his ability to get along with the printers, engravers, stereotypers, and pressmen - a great many of whom came from the shops of Woodward. He dealt with them as individuals who had skills, knowledge, and ideas - and he listened more than he spoke. They all tried harder when working with Bill.
Bill has a clear, concise newspaper style. His work would be a schoolbook example for any journalism text. His personal choice was to remain behind the scene. He was totally invaluable there. He is considered a true professional by his fellow newspapermen.
His career was also distinguished by his unofficial role in having the final word on grammar, spelling, stamp collecting, contract bridge, Mexican and Chinese restaurants, the University of Toledo basketball program, and the proper way to make a martini.
He belonged to the Associated Press Managing Editors Association, serving as a director of the Northwestern Ohio Chapter. He was also a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and is a member of the board of directors of the Toledo Press Club.
Since his retirement in 1982, Bill has served as advisor/ consultant to the student newspaper at the University of Toledo and has also been involved in a number of projects both at the university and the BLADE. He has been a member, through its 6-year life, of the executive board appointed by the county commissioners to monitor expenditures of the operating levy of the Toledo Zoo.
Bill and his wife, Bernice, live at 4326 Birchtree Drive in Toledo. They have two sons: James, who teaches English Composition at Point Park College in Pittsburg; and David, who is in the graduate school of anthropology at Harvard University. Bill and Bernice also have two granddaughters. When not reading or working double-crostic word games, Bill can often be seen walking or jogging through the Wildwood Preserve - a chance to relax after a life of meeting dead